Sunday, April 5, 2015

In a nutshell...

Once again I've failed at keeping up with this blog. Well, today is Sunday and it’s a beautiful day here in Gurgaon. I've been busy! Between our clients, financial year end madness, dog stuff and then of course phone calls and video stays fun :)

Heera soi saraahiye

Sahe ghanan Ki choT

Kapat kurangee maanva
Parkhat nikra khot..

I had heard this song before, never knew the words but loved the melody I felt. Listening to this today and understanding each lyric broke my heart. I failed. I fail daily. We ALL fail daily. He loved his woman...........but he loved his creator as well. I just saw this and sobbed.

I know many people who think that loving someone means sitting around, holding hands and leading a perfect life. It's far from that, and yet envelops so much more as well. Life can be hard, people can be cruel, bad things happen.......but there is always a reason to go on. I can only hope that my time on earth is well spent. I want to love those in my life with all I have. I want to be that person without judgment. I should and can too.

In other interesting news, I was invited by a pet magazine to become a guest writer. I'll post more info when I get it. There are several exciting things that are 'in the works' for me......but I'm not one to count my eggs before they hatch, so more on that as it comes to fruition.

Ok, so yesterday we had a yearly business review meeting at work that lasted all day. WOW! I was overwhelmed at how all of us took off our goals and responsibilities and gotten through. C3 is a great group of folks to work with. We are excited to see where things go from here, and we are prepared for whatever the new financial year has for us and continue to impact the life of every student in our country.

This is my life in a nutshell!

Down the memory lane…

Down the memory lane I have had beautiful friends around me who were solely responsible for the eidetic memory I have. The memories have be...