There are a lot of things that I really hate about Orkut. I hate how easy it is to read one thing that someone has written, and see that as the sum-total of that person's opinions and experiences. I hate how easy it is to misread or misinterpret what people are saying when they scrap. I hate how easy it is to miss tone, or misunderstand sarcasm, or misread humor.
I hate how easy it is to forget or ignore or simply not know about a person's many other good works and history of thought and action and activism when you read something that they've said that you disagree with or don't like.I hate how quickly conversations escalate into arguments into flaming. And on, and on.
And, no, it's not that all of those things happen to me everyday (although, yeah, I absolutely hate it when they do)- it's also that I end up doing those things, too.
And I also hate the fact that I can spend nine hours bullshitting... working on a post,and when I don't I miss it.I miss the sense of community.
Orkut is hurting me, and I'm convinced that it's actually not doing good, but not THIS cos it's actually starting to destress me out a little too.