This is an important blog.YES ! And I will spare the reasons and excuses for not updating my blog.I am no more the old NT that I used to be.Actually I am suffering from a serious case of expression blockade.There is sufficient amount of thoughts, events and feelings to discuss,but I can't seem to form them into a coherent post.Actually, Madd dutifully reminded me that I haven't been posting anything here.I love his blog.Though I don't see much happening there either.
The past week was much blogging moment but right now my mind is turning to mash to enter the details.It seems as if I have been hit from every side so far this year and to be honest it is difficult.I am unable to deal with night shifts and cannot stay up past midnight,even those coffees aren't helping.Actually, I don't even crave for coffee and cigarette anymore and even if I try them for the heck of it....I don't really enjoy the taste like I did before.It's driving me crazy.I am trying to be in control of my circumstances.Sometimes it feels like I am in the bottom of a barrell and looking up hoping that dad will reach down to pull me up.Saturday is Rest Day from the grinding and tedious schedules that I am forced to keep.
My life is currently full of work and friends.Work.Really isn't so hard.I love the Verizon team and I hope this quarter is light.Lots has happened and I even have the pictures of Sudeep's birthday,Poets Day and all.I've been dangling in the church with Abha and met my SD friends;and jamming with Marc etc.Mini is moving back home.She's been my friend since I can recall time.And it's strange I talk more about Abha and other friends instead of Pinky or Mini or Kimshain.
Just to let you know I consider you one of my closest friends. You were there for me when I needed you and in return I was there when you needed me. I will miss talking to you, eating with you, cooking together, and our random town gossips . I especially will miss you as my room mate ;)I know that change takes place in everyone's life and although I do not like it, I am learning to adjust. I know that there were times that I never told you how much I cherished our friendship but I truly do. I know that we will still see each other and do things together but for now I will miss you my sister.
So I have a goal that I'm trying to reach. The goal might be stretching myself, but I'm determined to get it done. Now lets just see if I do. Recently I've been reminding myself that I CAN do it.Also spring is here.I love spring for all the brightness and sun it brings.The only thing I will miss is not having dad in my proximity to wish him another year.
I guess that's all for now.And pardon me for saying in the beginning that this was goin' to be an important blog.Actually, I still suck in many areas.
we tend to make new friends along life's long road but school friends are always special :)
True! I call my friends forget-me-not flowers :)
btw, i c that u hav startd replying ur comments... dats encouraging. may b i will visit more often
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