Am just back from dinner and instead of fujitsu escalations I'm going to talk bout food now. Reason being, I did not have a great meal and its making me think if I should start attending cooking class.Everyone likes to cook meal in the house. Though all my friends know that I'm not particularly patient with the kitchen and I've never been known as the homely type, and i just know how to make a phone call and order butter chicken or boil rice in pressure cooker and fry bhindi or potato in oil.Last week, I picked up vegetables and food of all sorts but haven't cooked a bit.Now its partially because of my laziness but mainly because the whole system is so complicated and time consuming starting from washing the veggies, chopping, mixing the right masala and blah blah.Plus main course got to be rice or chappati which I cannot manage in my dreams. I wish the concept was simpler like loaf and salad .I tried one of those meals in the past, doesn't help , my system isn't used to bread..it craves rice and I feel hungry and eventually end up hitting the Indian aisle at cafeteria. Then I pick up naan or roti and dal and rice and spicy sabzee and sometimes butter chicken.At home , when i'm hungry I'll go for maggie or cup noodles instead of cool salad .Now tats bad isn't it ?
And looking at our regular life every day we are always tempted with food and drink. We like to eat, we entertain, we feed people. We have friends over, and say, “What can I get you to eat?” Somebody stops by, we break out the snacks. Run into a friend and they say, “Let’s do lunch.” People come to visit, we buy groceries.And somehow its taking me to Haflong's Bakery where they sell big loaf ( as they call it ) I've been missing that here in Delhi.
Of all the things that I'm most nostalgic bout , its the Haflong bakery..That soft and warm loaf with brown crust and small coloured raisin chunks. A big sandwich made out of that loaf mixed with some pork chops .....mmm am almost hungry again.Oh yea......I even miss the taste of Nunta....salty and crispy Nunta.... mixed with sesame seeds. And Apple Cookies.I kind of like it. It won't take the place in my favourites list, but I can see myself getting them again if I go home next.It has the shape of a flower with red colour in the centre.Very pretty.And yes ! not to forget every child's favourite crispy Lychi wrapped in transparent plastic.It is sweet, and contributes a nice texture.These are some of my nostalgia cookies. lol...
Hmm... makes me want to visit Barman Bakery next time I go to Haflong. Imagine a Nunta with one of those lattes in Cafe Coffee Day.
Awww....my mental capabilities have started to peter out, but it's there. I wish I had leave balance and extra money to buy tickets to the Hills.

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