Its just one of those days. And I'm feeling rather self-indulgent at the moment (and what are blogs really? its self-indulgence) I'm going to bitch about it for sometime.No no...its not bout him ;)I don't even want to look at him anymore, it makes me so sad :(
But yes, I am feeling gloom today. Not in the least because it is windy and chilly as all hell outside, and all I want to do is wrap myself in a blanket and cuddle and feel self-indulgently pathetic and maybe snooze a bit.But I know that allowing myself to be self-indulgent and lie in bed all afternoon will just make me feel, well, genuinely pathetic. I'm hard on myself like that.
So instead I'm going to take my feelings of blah and grump and bitch about life on the internet for a while, because then at least I'll feel productive, like I'm doing something useful or whatever. Expressing myself in words, and what not. Though I doubt anyone who is tricked into reading it will feel that it's worthless. But too bad, this post is for my benefit, not their. So there. Humph.
So yeah, the point is, life is getting me down today. And it's not really just the weather, or the fact that I broke up with Sam, it's that I'm still employed there and I am so goddamn sick of being rejected every quarter. Such a feeling is totally useless, and searching for jobs I want and not finding any just because you are over experienced.
But no more, because enough time has now gone by to allow me ample opportunity to consider all the reasons why I should search for new employer.I remember how I've had a couple of interviews already that have gone really well and that have in the end, gotten me euphemistic. And I'm supposed to be hearing back from TED regarding a possible "next step" sometime in the vicinity of now, and I haven't yet. And I know that's not necessarily a bad sign, but given how frustrated I'm getting with this whole damn process, and how I've been at it for 2 years already, I'm starting to feel pretty apocalyptic about the whole thing.
I don't really expect anyone to be enthralled by this post, but writing it made me feel somewhat better, so I guess that's the point, right? Ok, time to log in to orkut and head for the coffee forum and see if they're ragging any self obsessed retards like it happened last night.It will surely make me feel dandy.