Sunday, January 18, 2009

Winds of Change

I know it's been a bit since I've attempted to blog. I was sweetly reminded by Sudeep that I needed to get with the program. So here I am.

I've had a few changes take place in my life recently.On 29th October my dad passed away.It was anticipated for some time, but it was still hard.I was not with him the day he passed.I remember in September as he lay slowly dying for all those months, I had numerous opportunities to talk with him.I could hardly see for the tears in my eyes as we parted in Guwahati for the last time. (Actually, I'm a little teary right now).I had tried to protect myself from disappointment and disillusionment by keeping my hopes/expectations low. To trust God with abandon was I am still praying for specific guidance in the coming years.And there is not a single day when I don't remember dad.I miss him so much.How empty our house seem without him.Everytime we came into the house we expected to see him and I cried until I thought I would fall sick.Such is life u see.Hmmm!

I will keep this short, as it's late AGAIN!!!! I don't know why I am staying up late when I have to get up at early to meet Aasif in the morning tomorrow! Dumb!!!!Otherwise, I can really ramble online and am VERY easily distracted.I want to have peace in my heart, knowing that I'm doing what God wants for this season of my life. Who knows what tomorrow will hold, but for right now, I'm right where He wants me. That is an awesome feeling, believe me!

And God that is SARCASM for you if you get it.

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Down the memory lane…

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