Saturday, July 26, 2008

Perpetuated Dark Times

I know it may sound like a broken record.If you've been keeping up with the news you know how hard of a week it is for our entire country.Serial blasts in Bangalore yesterday and today Ahmedabad.In some way, we've all been touched by this tragedy.Please keep these decease's families in your thoughts and prayers. We can only hope that they are at peace and in a better place.

Undesirable politics, leads to all relationships broken and corruption..
The human being, a social animal is ultimately the victim obliging to enter into conversation with whomever is receptive.However this supposedly receptive third party is surely involved in some underhand activities, or is known for some form of perversion.

It is not for nothing that dark times are perpetuated and fear comes close to the individual.Sitting tight seems to be the best option. It would seem the current times we live in are unsustainable. The current situation is left with a direction into more expansion of inhuman crescendo.

Currently the most incorrect political stance, is to say I am a human, and it “is possible to trust local people anywhere”. But they killed so many of my brothers. Contradicting ! isn't it ?

Although I am an optimist by nature, the depth of ugliness to which human beings can go, never surprises me.I would say that the only distinction between humans and animals, is that we are the only species that is intentionally cruel.

A peaceful dismantling feels remote but I would rather be hopeful.


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