Work has resumed in AOLUK, and I can't work up sufficient to this blog or orkut (because, let's face it, the fujitsu entries and escalations run on rage). This makes it a lot less fun for me, because all i like to do is smoke smoke and smoke.
They have allocated me mid shift which means i finish by 12 midnite. There is no way I can complain about this arrangement because whining about working in the evening, and at a time when there is no crunch, is just bad form. It would be a pointless and attention-seeking kind of whining. Moreover, half the people I deal with are too dumb to notice if I'm pissed-off.
But so what ! I am commited.Aubrey sent an appreciation mail. And it is important to me cos I have to remind myself that I am goin' to WORK now.
Some people are morning people. They go to bed at respectable hours and wake up to fresh sunlight filtering through the fading night air. They look forward to a day brimming with promise and new people to meet. They eat hearty breakfasts while watching morning variety shows detailing the weather for the day and reading the newspapers. They go to work humming the song they woke up with; they breeze into the office with perky hellos.
I am not one of these people.I am so utterly broke, I may have to sell used underwear on eBay.
I woke up this morning with a slight headache because SOMEONE was shouting into my ear last night.
And this is what i want to tell him/her.
What I choose to do is relevant only once... when I choose how to spend my days. I made my choice and it belongs to me. And with all due respect, you have no idea what the quality or amount of the time I spend with myself is. I am reasonably confident your information is wrong .Just in case you want to know, when I made my choice I was happy. Just like you don't get to decide what makes me happier, I don't get to decide what makes you happier.
I want to be entirely clear. You don't get to say I am a terrible person because you think you wouldn't make my choices in my situation. You don't get to say that my sister don't want to be with me when you don't know them .You don't get to judge me because you think you know exactly what you would do if you had my situation. I want to be really clear: you don't know. And if the sun always shines on you -- and I pray it does -- you will never know.
Down the memory lane I have had beautiful friends around me who were solely responsible for the eidetic memory I have. The memories have be...